Why Me?
Elm Grove’s success depends on engaged citizens forming the backbone of the community. My desire is to serve the citizens by representing their needs/interests only.
In the last couple years the traffic through our Village has increased significantly As your trustee I want to work hard to enhance and protect the small town feel and safety that makes this community special.
My professional career has been in both Material Science and Life Science fields. I’m currently the VP-Sales Polymax Thermoplastic Elastomers, LLC based in Waukegan, Illinois. The experience I gained from the many challenges faced starting up our manufacturing company ten years ago will be very useful when serving as your Trustee.

There are 3 Signaficant Areas I will focus on
Police, Fire and EMS Service
Increased demand for services together with recruiting issues. Multiple challenges, especially with staffing volunteer EMS and Fire. We must find creative way to fund these critical community services.
Pedestrian Safety
Increased density within Elm Grove and in neighboring areas will result in increased traffic. Additional pathways will be required, traffic speed laws enforced plus when possible, enforcing no thru traffic to reduce non-local citizen traffic at key traffic times.
Proper Development
Development is needed to ensure community growth, however future development must fit within what makes Elm Grove a safe, tranquil community for our families.